There has been extensive behind the scenes clamoring for a house-hunting update (you know who you are). You ask, I deliver. But we have been looking at so very many houses that it is too much to show you in depth, so I have picked just a few that didn’t work out for various reasons plus a tasty treat at the end.
We were extremely tempted by the fine renovation work on this rental. It was, as the French say, un coup de coeur. We both loved the mix of modern and ancient architectural elements such as the fireplace next to a sculptural oak and steel staircase.

We visited on a day when it was pouring buckets and the sky was positively black but we could easily imagine this South-facing kitchen flooded with light.
And yet *sigh* there were practical issues. Practicality, you are starting to get on my nerves, that is all I am going to say on the matter. I am warning you.
For despite the fact that there is plenty of room, including a nifty mezzanine that could have been my yoga loft, there isn’t the space that we need. I have mentioned before that we have certain pieces that are non-negotiables: our gallery printer, Remi’s equipment, the monastery table. But we couldn’t even figure how to get our sofas in through the tiny, anciently carved windows and doors. I have a feeling that the people that lived here before us must have a very zen futony lifestyle, mais alas, that is not us. A shame because I think that we just might have fallen for this otherwise. A bonus from the experience? The owner and his Sister are so charming that I am sure that we will invite them over for drinks once we do finally find a new place to live.
In the worst case scenarios, I don’t even take photos. And that is saying something as I am usually an obsessive clicker as Remi and I can both see the possibilities in just about anywhere.
This smallish house has a lovely facade and a giant garage with a spacious back room that could be transformed into an office leading to a small outdoor area. French doors, stone walls, wooden beams…promising right?
But then you walk upstairs and see…this. A renovation that has sucked the bone-marrow out of the house’s history. Not an ounce remained and worse…
…this is the bathroom. Enough said.
We had difficulties arranging a visit with the charming young owner of this large and sunny home to rent for a very reasonable price.
It turns out that one of the reasons why is that she is still in the midst of the renovating process, especially for the top floor.
She asked us to use our imaginations to picture what it would be like in a few months time and we assured her that wasn’t a problem, certainly as there are such lovely features as sublime stone throughout…
…save for where it has been painted over…such as poppy red and hot pink…in the same room. Every single room would have to be scraped down, treated or repainted. As we have been through that already, we were pretty sure that we were going to pass…

…and then the toilet, floating randomly in the middle of the bathroom made the decision clear.
Visits like this can be a wee bit depressing.
Luckily, there exists the stuff that dreams are made on. Such as this Orangerie in Nimes, just ever so slightly out of our price range at 3300€ per month. Remi found the ad for this yesterday and it knocked us both utterly speechless. It is amazing to know that such places still exist. Wouldn’t you agree?
Oh my, that makes my heart jump every time that I look at it. A fairy tale world if ever there was one.
But perhaps you would prefer the garden apartment of a private mansion at 1900€ per month?
It even has something resembling a ballroom opening out onto the lawns…
Here are a few more links. I do hope that these work as they are on a very frenchy website (just click on the photos but do let me know if it is a no go, please) to whet your appetite for some of the fun things available:
Which one would you choose?
*Edit: I should stress that these are all out of our price range and for dreaming purposes only.*
Oh, how are we possibly on the verge of March? Tell me, how? So while I am a month early, with all of this rain then shine going on out my window, I can’t help but share a favorite tune.
to listen:
Thank you for being here and have a lovely weekend everyone!