The surprise of Chablis

Yes, there is wine aplenty in Chablis. Fine wines to make the heart swoon.

And Remi should know, as his family had vineyards in the area up until the Second World War. But more of the wine another time…
You see there is also a certain charm, un charme fou
…with each corner more picturesque than the next. 
We took it in with eager eyes.
But then again…ah, you see there is more to this Burgundian story than that…
…but then again, isn’t there always?

For once the main streets have been forsaken for the twist of back alleys…
…the surprise of Chablis is revealed.
The bustle muffled and faded. In the ensuing silence we could hear many a damsel calling out to be rescued.

Of course, we listened…for that is what we do!
Yes, all of the elements pleased us to no end. Such elegant bones and a fleur de lis emblazoned crest daring all to knock at the front door…
… with extremely elegant neighbors en face
…as well as peals of church chimes floating directly over head. 
Precisely at that moment.
For once, we let ourselves dream big, caught up in the delight of a very famous village that goes far beyond what it seems. Whoever said beauty is only skin deep?
Have a lovely week everyone…


  1. I had the most wonderful mother! she taught me…..(very important stuff)

    "Life is an adventure!! Follow your heart; use your head! If you on a path; and the doors slam shut upon your approach; stop, look and listen! )

    When you are the right path; you will find doors swinging open with things you haven't imagined!!

    Good luck!

  2. I love Chablis wines and they are among our best sellers on our wine list at Bistro Des Copains. Your pictures and descriptions make the village seem equally appealing as the wines produced there by the local vignerons. I look forward to your follow up post.

  3. Oh such a lovely tour you took us on. . .I am ready to pour a glass of Chablis to celebrate the lovely time I had with you!

  4. How are you Heather?

    Another delightful trip. I would love to be in Chablis.
    Looking forward to hearing about Remi's family and their vineyard

    Helen xx

  5. Judy, Burgundy is one of my very favorite regions in France. It is simply gorgeous everywhere you look! Go!

  6. Whew, the wine…oh my goodness. We loved it too! And what is so lovely there is that you can actually buy very good whites for not a lot. It was wonderful. No surprise that you appreciate the patina as I do, dear Greet…

  7. We maaaaybe could have afforded the garage out back. Maybe. So no, we passed. *le sigh* 😉 But of course we scoured all of the announces…

  8. How lovely of you to stop by Lanier! And by all means please do come to France…
    I regret not going in but they were in the middle of a mass. The door was fascinating–I have never seen anything like it–and the bells were beautiful…

  9. Oooh interesting. I looked at another photo that I took of the sign and would say vine leaves–plus, look at the dried ones in the photo further down, similar non?

  10. Deborah! Methinks you have the wrong blogger!!! We couldn't afford the door knocker!!!! hehehehe 🙂

  11. Give me an S! S! Give me an I! I! Give me another S! S! Give me a T! T! Give me an E! E! Give me an R! R!
    What's that spell? SISTER!!! What did you say? SISTER!!!!!!! Whoohoo!
    Love you.

  12. Oh thank you so much for your lovely response–talk about beautiful! This post seems to have brought out the rainy day romantic in more than one person… 🙂

  13. Loree, I am so sorry to hear about your headache–is it a migraine? I dearly hope not and that you are feeling better today!!!

  14. I do! There was a notification in my email inbox about this particular one at 11:39am this morning although I am only responding now–and last week I wasn't able to respond at all as I didn't have internet. I am still getting caught up from being away and know that I have missed much in your posts!

  15. Just a small question Heather. When I respond to your comments on my blog do you receive notification of my responses?

  16. Isn't it funny? You want to come to San Francisco and go to Barney's and I want to go to Chablis and see what is behind that red church door.

  17. Patina; beautiful patina. In the lovely book,The Floral Year, that I am rediscovering, it is mentioned that Ivy is the plant dedicated to Bacchus and an ivy bush used to be the sign of a Tavern in the UK. In your second photo there are wrought iron (?) leaves around the sign of the winery (?) but I can't decide if they are ivy or grape vine leaves. Do you know?

  18. When I saw the "a vendre" sign, I thought you were going to spring the surprise that you had bought it! You post left me wanting more in the story! Next chapter please!
    Deborah from Melbourne

  19. Ooo – I love the many sides of Chablis! From picturesque to quirky, but always with a sweet detail caught by the discerning eye of my talented sister! We are so lucky that your thirst for new places to show us never runs out and that your talent for words and photos is similarly limitless! Thank you!!

  20. A pervasive calm is the underpainting.
    A sense that time stands still and waits only for the change of light.
    Every image in this post is magical; the first one could have been a hundred years ago.

  21. I wasn't planning on reading anyone's posts today – my head is throbbing too much – but I couldn't resist your charming tour of Chablis. Can't wait for more.

  22. Never a reluctance in harmony: lyrical sequences, distinguishing terseness,doors that inform us not not to stand still,the intuitive presence of something we can not see, little by little the appearance of enchantments of the place, bells waking us from our reverie, to start and dream again.

  23. Oooh, just you wait until the "delicacies of Burgundy" post. Although not all of it will be appealing to you at this stage of your recovery… 😮

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