Helping from the shadows

We are still in the Upper Luberon but not so far away as to not be deeply saddened by the utter devastation created by the typhoon in the Philippines and beyond. Please see the following if you would like to help:

I have scrapped the rest of this weeks posts as they would be inappropriate in the shadows of such a tragedy. We are sending our Very Best out to the other side of the world and to all that have been touched by this disaster. 

My thanks to Vickie Lester at Beguiling Hollywood for the link. 


  1. You are right…we all need a wake up call but I meant ,that especially people in the 3rd world countries need to learn to assume responsibility and speak up. As you know I live in a country where people let things slide and believe that somebody will rescue them if necessary. Self-reliance is the key word.

  2. This can't happen in the English language…doesn't it?
    I must admit it is an embarrassment what I have written. Let's believe it was a clerical mistake

  3. I share your worries that money might not go to the right places. We have seen firsthand in our travels that can be the case. But I actually think that it is the world that needs education and a wakeup, Mumbai. It makes me sad to say it but there seems to be many wakeup calls going unheeded here…

  4. Oh, "Mumbai"… partner is French. The first time I greeted his mother in France (this was at the reception for an art opening she'd arranged for me at a major classical music festival in Tours, where she sits on the Board of Directors), I made a mistake…….by virtue of a single vowel's misplacement.

    Without becoming too specific?……She kissed me on both cheeks (this in front of a crowd of people at the reception), and I said (in French) "You are such a ________".

    The term I inadvertantly used is a complete gutter-slang term for a prostitute who performs a particular act for/on her customers.

    Suffice it to say that I called my mother-in-law (a professor of 17th century literature) a "cocksucker", in front of fifty or so refined and important guests……but the term I used is worse (and far more specific, to to speak) than even that one. The French seem to have an amazingly categorzied and specific slang-vocabulary for an astoundingly wide variety of sexual acts. What a surprise…..

    Having now entirely brought-down the tone of Miss. Heather's blog, Ishould perhaps sign off now,

    Best Wishes to all of us,

    David Terry

  5. Thank you Terry, I'm not a Native and especially my writing is not the best. Your argument is quite funny and made me smile.

  6. Thank you so much for your concern and support to the Philippines Typhoon relief. It is really a tragic event and the country really need prayers and support.

  7. P.S. (to "Mumbai"). I love your typo….."Doctors Without Boarders". Here in America, doctors don't often have to rent out rooms to strangrers, but?… for all it's worth?….I'm longtime pals with the pulitzer prize winning war-journalist and novelist (originally Australian) Geraldine Brooks. She spent a lot of time in the Balkans (during their war in the 80's and 90's) and Eritrea (during THAT war, which no one is sure has ended)….and she once told me that she and all of the other female war-correspondents referred to the all-too randy&over-sexed members of "doctors without borders" as "Doctors Without Trousers".

    No kidding.

    Advisedly yours as ever,

    David Terry

  8. Dear Heather,

    I just read your comment….the summation of which would seem to be that you thought your current blog-plans were too flippant or insufficiently grave ("Innapropriate" was your word for it), given the immensity of the current tragedy in the Phillipines. As you'll know, I'm a bit older than you are. More significantly?….

    …One of my good friends is a pediatric oncologist (suffice it to say that her daily work has never/inevitably yielded "happy endings", although she continues to love her work). Additionally?…. I've lived for ten years with an epidemiologist who consults and works for the WHO and the CDC. Herve's often gone, as he is right now, on tough assignments. All in all?….it never gets easy…does it?.

    Sorrow and trouble are always with us. All of us can choose to see or ignore the facts. Obviously, you've never ignored or refused to look at them. Sing and dance and post your lovely pictures&words on your blog in the midst of it all; you're not one of those folks who's ever ignored the suffering, Heather…, don't worry.

    Go to one of my favorite songs (I'll copy the lyrics below):

    "Spirit Voices"

    We sailed up a river wide as a sea
    And slept on the banks
    On the leaves of a banyan tree
    And all of these spirit voices rule the night

    Some stories are magical, meant to be sung
    Song from the mouth of the river
    When the world was young
    And all of these spirit voices rule the night

    By moon
    We walk
    To the brujo's door
    Along a path of river stone
    Women with their nursing children
    Seated on the floor
    We join the fevers
    And the broken bones

    The candlelight flickers
    The falcon calls
    A lime-green lizard scuttles down the cabin wall
    And all of these spirit voices
    Sing rainwater, sea water
    River water, holy water
    Wrap this child in mercy – heal her
    Heaven's only daughter
    All of these spirit voices rule the night
    My hands were numb
    My feet were lead
    I drank a cup of herbal brew
    Then the sweetness in the air
    Combined with the lightness in my head
    And I heard the jungle breathing in the bamboo

    Saudac~oes (Greetings!)
    D'a lic'enca um momento (Excuse me, one moment)
    Te lembr'o (I remind you)
    Que amanh~a (That tomorrow)
    Ser'a tudo ou ser'a naoa (It will be all or it will)
    (be nothing)
    Depende, cora,c~ao (It depends, heart)
    Ser'a breve ou ser'a grande (It will be brief or it will)
    (be great)
    Depende da paix~ao (It depends on the passion)
    Ser'a sujo, ser'a sonho (It will be dirty, it will)
    (be a dream)
    Cuidado, cora,c~ao (Be careful, heart)
    Ser'a 'util, ser'a tarde (It will be useful, it will be)
    Se esmera, cora,c~ao (Do your best, heart)
    E confia (And have trust)
    Na for,ca do amanh~a (In the power of tomorrow)

    Lord of the earthquake
    My trembling bed
    The spider resumes the rhythm
    Of his golden thread
    And all of these spirit voices rule the night

    —-david terry

  9. I always help when people are in need but more and more I'm insecure that money will find the right way and not in the pockets of the corrupt government. These people need education and a wake up. It might sound brutal but I have to make this statement. Anyway I think the best is to donate to doctors without boarders.

  10. Thank you Heather…I have passed this link on. People have been asking, it is good to have a comprehensive list. Lots of fundraising around Saigon for the just wish it could all happen much faster. xx

  11. Your tenderness and caring come before all else…..we, who are so far away, tend to read, sigh and move on…your comments bring the need for each of us to be fully engaged.
    Thank you.

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