
Let freedom ring.
I am sharing one of my favorite photos from the wedding last weekend as Liberty was somehow a subject that Remi and I were talking about quite a bit in the car and so it applies. Independence. Freedom. What is the cost to create an existence in which one is libre? What are you willing to do and what are you willing to go without to have that? To know that you are the owner of your life, your will, your heart?
Is today Egypt’s Independence Day? Only time will tell. But how right for the millions to stand in the streets and say, “We want our rights respected now.” No army could face that down.
To all of my friends and family in the States, I am wishing you a Happy Independence Day.
And you know what? For all of you that live in a free country, I am wishing you the same too…


It was four years ago today that my Dad passed on. I actually had to look at the death certificate earlier to believe that, even though I know it so well. It just seems both impossibly long ago and yet far too near. 

He was in my thoughts this past weekend where there was much in the air of endings and beginnings. How he would have loved the wedding. I did too. But today is not a day to tell you about that. Instead, I focused my energy this morning on giving a guided walk. I was grateful for it and the kindness of my guests. How solid it felt amidst all that is passing to stroll the streets of Arles, to share its beauty and history standing still under the bright light of noon. 
Now, I can rest. I’ll pull the curtains into shade, the better to keep warm memories cupped between the hands of my heart.

More soon…