I touched the tops of the creamy roses to soak in their faint papery perfume. We had been too late to offer them at the church where other bouquets dotted the altar and so they were nestled against my knees. I smiled, thinking back to the ceremony echoing through the tiny, ancient church. How quickly it was over and
our friends, Nathalie and Laurent were now married.
With a diva-worthy wave, Nathalie beckoned le cortège to follow their beribboned convertible and half of the village of Manou watched as we took our leave…
…through a countryside perfect for rolled-down windows and fingers splayed in the wind. The kind you can shout “Hello!” to for no reason.
With more than a dose of relief, we unfolded ourselves out of our lunch-box rental (a Ford!) and breathed in the open expanse of
Le Moulin St. Agnes. Light shimmied through the leaves and across the lake, hinting of the evening to come.
For le vin d‘honneur, champagne flutes were presented to each new arrival…
…along with a warm welcome from the beautiful bride!
Ah, but there was also an oyster bar to tuck into…
…along with a truly impressive variety of hors d’oeurves and delicately layered verrines, spoons of smoked salmon, a mountain of crudités…
Brochettes of marinated chicken and shrimp were grilled to order à la plancha…
…and of course, this being France, there was much silky foie gras to be consumed…
…wines to be savoured…
…and even a tiny mini foie gras burger on a brioche bun to be inhaled tout d’un coup! Ah yes, thank you, don’t mind if I do.
As I am shy, I let my camera do the talking as I strolled the grounds, listening to the relaxed chatter of Nathalie and Laurent’s friends…
…and laughed as with a “Whoop! Whoop!” they took their turn for a boat ride across the lake. |
So many friends, so many loved ones, gathered to celebrate.
However, my nerves did a little twinge as we were called into dinner. Oh my, was a stuffy, more forks than you can count, prisoner of the table type of experience ahead of me? Would I be trapped next to strangers that would raise their eyebrows sky high at my accent?

I needn’t have worried. Within minutes, napkins were being twirled in the air, accompanied by boisterous hollering and pounding on the table. I knew that I was in the clear. The evening was by all accounts…really…fun…a word that is not so applicable in France most of the time! While the dinner itself was certainly excellent (émincé de veau accompagnée d’une verrine des champinons), what fascinated me the most was all of the delights sprinkled in between the courses–sing-a-longs (of which yours truly did a wee solo for the end of “Stand By Me”), musical jams (oddly called un boeuf de musique in French. A musical cow?) games, and seriously funny toasts. Unbeknownst to me, apparently weddings are where these folks really let their hair down.
Nathalie and Laurent beamed even brighter than their spectacular cake.
And then they opened le bal. Their First Song?
Now seriously, how fabulous is that?! It was exactly what I had been looking forward to dancing to (I know, I know,
expectations…) and so we gave it our all. Then, I stuck to my motto as a former NYC Disco Baby–“Always Leave The Party When It Is Good”–and so that is what we did, bowing out immediately after, just past 12:30am.
At the brunch the next day (a relaxed affair sweetened by several chansons française delivered by an 80 year-old relative), we discovered that the dancing had lasted until 4 and that dawn was welcomed by many a guest.
Nathalie et Laurent, vous avez partagé votre amour et votre joie de vivre avec nous tous! And that, my friends is the Charm of a French Country Wedding. Long may they follow together on la route du bonheur…
My sincere thanks to les mariés for letting me share their big day with you all and I know that they will appreciate the lovely wishes that many of you have passed on to them.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone…