Love’s Bright Light

“What is the color of love?” my friend Julia in Berlin had asked. Rather wittily, or so I thought, I responded that, “Love is color-blind.”
But no it isn’t. It is indeed that rosy glow in the photo above, one that I have been saving for a special occasion. 
And I have one.
My dear friends and readers, I am delighted beyond all belief to announce the engagement of my Mom, Linda, to her incredibly charming companion, Leonard. 
Love rules.
Love conquers all.
It shines a bright light into our darkest corners.
It banishes fear. And doubt.
Love proves that we never, ever know what is in store for us.
My most profound Congratulations to a couple that inspires me, that reminds me constantly to believe in the power of True Love. I wish them nothing but happiness ahead…