
As quiet as a whisper or the rustling leaves on an olive tree, Spring might just be bustling into being sooner than I thought. Was I dreaming? Wrapping my jacket about my waist, breathing in the sun. It was only for a few hours and yet something under has begun. 
I hush to listen, straining to hear.
Sending a cloud bouquet in hope for a wonderful weekend ahead…

…and in tribute to former Mayor Ed Koch, who was the essence of New York.


  1. Lovely! And I hope you're right but it snowed last night here and although I haven't been out yet, it looks cold again today, if it is at all possible to gauge the temperature by sight alone! Wishing you a serene Sunday!

  2. Not every day is a Billie day and yet when you find her on a day that is…it doesn't get much better than that.

  3. I spoke too soon, Shelley. A huge Mistral has picked up and it is colder than ever!!!

  4. Quelle perfection in Sky and Sound.


    Off to find her tracks on the laptop to listen awhile longer.


  5. I think we are all ready for a quiet whisper, or that ol' groundhog's shadow to alert us to the fact that spring isn't far away. Lovely photos, Heather!

  6. It can't be called warm, but the weather is definitely better than it has been. One can almost believe spring might happen…eventually.

  7. Thank you Amelia. Yep, it is closer than we think! Wishing you a gorgeous weekend too–blue sky or no!

  8. Isn't it true Wyn? And it is STILL so hot there? Goodness. But what I wouldn't give for a good swim…!

  9. At the mid 40's today in my part of the world, but we didn't have that beautiful blue Provencal sky. Same thought did cross my mind, Spring is lurking somewhere not too far away. A sweet thought even if it will only last for a few days.

    Have a wonderful weekend under those beautiful blue sky.


  10. Here's to the birds singing and the flowers blooming soon for you!! Cheers – we are so hot down under we are still swimming in the surf – every season is really awesome – Cheers!!

  11. Lucky you! We seem to be nowhere near spring up here in Paris – just lots of mud and rain.

  12. Smiling Hungarians?! Now THAT is a good sign indeed.

    Will raise my glass Budapest way and hoping that you have exciting plans for the days ahead.
    Gros Bisous,

  13. Hello Heather:
    It is quite true, there is a little more warmth in the air, a little more blue in the sky, a little more light in the morning and even a few Hungarians are beginning to smile. Yes, Spring cannot be far away!!!

    Wishing you the happiest of weekends!

  14. What a beautiful tribute Heather and here's hoping spring isn't far behind!

    Enjoy your weekend with your men!

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