
I have been feeling especially pensive lately (and yes, Remi might ask, “When aren’t you?”). Not sad, just with so many thoughts swirling around without my being able grasp any of them like a bear chasing after butterflies. A swirl of up in the clouds down in my cup. Something in me is preparing for the winter as the evening light slides down the wall faster and faster with each passing day. I am horribly sentimental, listening to music, the same songs over and over, creating memories and coming back to others that fill me with a bittersweet longing that is as faded as the leaves. It was only in writing to a friend earlier that I remembered that I am usually like this at this time of year.
And I have the proof. For it was two years ago today that I started this little adventure. Much has happened but in many ways, much remains the same.
I am not going to go into that for now, as it just so happens that I will be writing about it more next week for my monthly contribution to the By Invitation Only series–that is if I can find the words! But I know, I know how grateful I am for all of the 155, 267 page visits Lost in Arles has had not to mention the really beautiful emails and encouragement I have received as late. 
It makes me look forward greatly to seeing what is next…side by side…

…time to turn the lock.


  1. Dear Heather so sorry I have missed some of your posts, I have been in Blighty sans ordinateur! Have returned home now and autumn has truly arrived, snow on the mountains and a chill in the air, we have fallen back and the evenings start earlier which means the aperos start earlier!

    Congratulations for giving us two years of your beautiful, thought provoking blog.

  2. Two years and still fabulous every step of the way… Thank you for your precious words Heather… as one who loves Provence they resonate very loudly with me… xv

  3. Congratulations! We all adore your blog! Your eye for colors, patina, beauty in its unusual forms!

    Contessa said it perfectly!!


  4. Congratulations for being 2! I am a new member in your blog but I get encouraged and inspired blogs and people that keep going on! Keep up the good work!

  5. How true your words are. I get melancholic too at this time of year. And it is not because I miss summer because I do not even like summer very much. Perhaps, as you said, it has something to do with the light.

  6. TWO…………JUST BABY STEPS!KEEP GOING!I cannot imagine NOT having YOU in my LIFE!Even if we have never met!xoxoxo
    Your devoted Contessa

  7. That is so true, Janey–I couldn't agree more! And by the comments here, it seems like quite a few of us are preparing for winter too. When I was travelling so much for work, sometimes I would be in the most amazing places but if things weren't good for me, inside, for whatever reason, well then it didn't matter what the scenery was.

    If I help you dream a bit, that is wonderful!

  8. Well, of course this made me tear up too! You are so amazing Sister and I love you so very much!!!

  9. Oh hooray!!! Mango deserves all of the scratchies she can get. 🙂 How I would love it if I could make it up to meet you all at some point. Or, if you do ever come back to Provence, I hope that you will let me know! Actually my hope is to get you, me and Brooke all together for a long evening of good wine, good food and much talking…wouldn't that be wonderful?

    And thank you for the reminder that the holidays are right around the bend! You are right–it put the biggest smile on my face!!!
    Sending you a warm hug right back,

  10. Thank you so much Marsha, I feel the same and hoping that we get to toast to it one day…

  11. That is such a truly fine compliment coming from you, Helen, thank you so very, very much. Your support and kindness has meant so much to me…

  12. And I feel that way about your responses, Amelia. You always make me smile or make me think…or both!!

  13. Oh my gosh, that is a big word Sue! I am just glad you haven't given up on me…
    Sending a big hug your way!!!

  14. I think that you and I have a great cross-cultural exchange thing going for when either of us are home-sick for our respective countries!! We both like the same things…the good life! 🙂

  15. Thank you friend. You know that I feel exactly the same way about all that you do. Merci pour l'inspiration!

  16. Right back at you, Jeanne because you give so much to me too. I remember thinking previously that our blogs were about the same age and being bummed that we didn't "find" each other sooner!!! Really looking forward to following all that lies ahead of you…speaking of planting seeds!

  17. Merci, Madame Gustia! Heehee. I am so grateful to blogging also for the great people like yourself that I have actually met and adored. Will look forward to seeing you hopefully sooner than later…

  18. I think that I have told you that I often wonder if I could secretly hire the Hattatts to write my posts for me since they express things so beautifully. 🙂 But what you wrote also touched me so deeply. Thank you for all of your understanding and for your friendship, Virginia. Oh and you know that my life is really not perfect but yes, I am so grateful for all of it.

  19. Sometimes I forget that we haven't met already in person, Judith. Does that happen to you too?

  20. So happy you are here too, Jackie! And I am really looking forward to reading more about where your travels have taken you–what a life you two lead!! That you so appreciate it is what makes it extra special…

  21. Happy Anniversary! I always look forward to your beautiful pictures and talented writing. You know we would probably all be surprised if we jotted down our moods on a calendar. Life is such a cycle
    Some feel that all we need is a change in geography.. to change how we feel. Then we discover….. that we take ourselves with us.
    Thank you for helping all of us escape…..Janey

  22. Congratulations on two years, Sister!! When you think of all of the joy you have brought us with your posts and all of the good things brought your way because of your blog, you realize what a beautiful thing it has been/will continue to be! To remind people to slow down and notice the beauty in the world is a noble, noble cause – it is a main ingredient of happiness and we thank you for helping us to find it! How proud I am to have seen your writing and photography become more and more amazing and to see the good feelings you are creating. Bravo, Sister!! : )

  23. Dear 'tante' Heather,
    I recognize me too in this emotional situation that you describe! I know it is this time of the year that brings a lot of us in this typical mood! You should just let this pass and think about the beautiful time of the year that has to come : Christmas period!!
    I want to thank you for your wonderful blog and all the gorgeous things about Arles and the Provence you share with us! Congratulations to you my friend with your 2nd blog anniversary, you are a very talented blogger and I am always pleased to see you have posted! Forgive me for not always commenting, but you have to know that I read every gorgeous post you write!
    Warm hugs to you dearest Heather!
    PS I gave Mango the scratchies behind her ears from you dear 'tante' Heather!!!

  24. I think Jane & Lance said it all perfectly. I so agree, Heather. You have added a unique, sweet, smart and intuitive place to visit while blogging around. I treasure our friendship, and so admire your talents.

  25. Hello Heather
    The last picture of the door with the two locks so perfectly fits your post. Congratulations on two years blogging. Like your readers, I feel like I have received a longed for invitation when I see you have a new post. I sometime boil the kettle and sit back and read as I sip a tea. You are a gifted writer and a true artist when it comes to photography.

    Continued success

    Helen xx

  26. Happy two year anniversary to Lost in Arles and to the blogmaster…:) I'm so glad I found my way here. It was like finding a gem.

    I think this time of year tend to make some of us become pensive. It comes with the season, shorter days, more time to reflect and sentimentality sets in. You take us with you on your musings and trips and the pictures are gorgeous. I feel richer and grateful because you share them with us.

    Amelia xo

  27. Happy Anniversary to you and your beautiful blog. Always a joy to view and read. This time of the year affects me the same way. I am so glad I found your blog; keep up the fine work!

  28. Happy 2nd Anniversary! I, too, look forward to the next 2 years. Thank you for allowing us to join you on your adventures. It has been a privilege.

  29. "Pensive." I always considered it a lovely word, tinged with the slightest bit of melancholy but mostly, a thoughtful stillness. If you are pensive today, on your two year anniversary, it makes sense to me.

    So glad to have found you.

  30. Joyeux anniversaire, Heather et le Blog! You and I started almost at the same time, then. I am glad I am not the only one feeling "pensive" these days… 🙂 You have given me a chance to catch glances of beautiful Arles and Provence when I am so far away from my homeland: Thank you for that! Looking forward to more photos and beautifully written stories! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  31. Happy blog birthday! I've discovered your site only recently, but I'm so glad I have. Looking forward to seeing what lies beyond the door for you! xo

  32. Happiest 2nd Blog Anniversary!

    You've been an inspiration…as well as a free trip to France with each word
    and beautiful photograph.

  33. Heather, that last image is so striking! I really like it. It's the sort of thing I might frame and hang in a room where I like to sit and think.

    May the next two years bring you so much inner feasting that this blog will continue to evolve just as you do, and have. It takes a certain kind of courage to chronicle the subtle shifts within. Beautifully done.

  34. How fast two years can fly by. Heather, I think you and I are blog twins because it was about two years that started sending thoughts out into the Universe, too. Your blog brightens my day, even when you yourself might not be feeling so bright. Your journey is a beautiful one, and I feel like I learn so much looking at the world through your eyes. The times that come just after the harvest, when we are just beginning to germinate the very beginnings of what's next… they may not feel like the best or most productive times in our lives, but they have the most brilliant pay-offs, I truly believe. Thanks for all the beauty. XO

  35. Happy anniversary! Two years seems like forever and then again more like, "poof!" Where did the time go? Wishing you many more years of wonderful posts and the inspiration you give to those who read them.

  36. Whatever I want to say, the Hattat's always express it far more poignantly than I can! Yes, we have all been found in Arles, on such a personal journey into your beautiful world, ups and downs, highs and lows. I love the honesty of your observations – not trying to concoct a "perfect life" which makes everybody else feel like a failure at their own – but writing of the real beauty of your life. And of that, there truly is much, for somebody with a heart so filled with love as yours. xx

  37. I'm so glad I found you and have been able to join you on this journey. Two years! I'm looking forward to the next two.

    xxo J

  38. Heather, I've been absent on our travels from Arles and this post was a perfect way to re-enter your world. This trip has made me nostalgic and pensive as well; perhaps it is the history, the beauty, or being a part of summer turning to autumn that has caught me up in an introspective mode as well. You've said it so well in this post. I am happy to be back in wi-fi land because it takes me to your Arles. . .happy to be back among your readers.

  39. Thank you my dear friends, you have been sorely missed. This brought tears to my eyes! But happy ones…you both seem to have a way of doing that to me…
    Gros, gros bisous,

  40. Hello Heather:
    As days grow shorter and shadows lengthen it is, perhaps, inevitable that our thoughts turn to hibernation and sheltering from the winter chill and recalling past experiences both bad and good. And, as you hunker down in the cosiness of your lovely home in the companionship of those who love you, dearest Heather, please take a moment to think of the warmth and joy that you have brought to your readers over these past years.

    We have been privileged to be found rather than lost in Arles and have been enchanted, entertained, inspired and enlightened by your beautifully crafted, carefully considered and stunningly photographed posts.Our lives have been lit up and our sense of adventure kindled by your words.

    Turn the lock…….oh, yes please!!!!

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