Dog Days of Summer

In keeping with the theme of the happiness that our dogs bring us (or cats too!), I can’t help but share a series of videos that I took the other day despite the fact that I had other posts prepared.
The other evening the light was lovely and I thought that it could be a good moment to try and capture a certain video that I had in mind for a while. Following the interest in My Dream Houses in Arles, I had decided to film some of my favorite haunts around town and started with the Cour de L’Archeveché where I go frequently to play with Ben.
Save that Mr. B obviously had another plan in mind and decided to become a dust-ball. Here is demonstrating his infamous “Digging to China” move, one that is put into motion only in moments of utter abandon.
And then, for only the second time in his life, he jumped into the fountain in the middle of the Place de la Republique, much to the delight of a large group of Japanese tourists who applauded and filmed the entire thing. Me? I was laughing too hard as you can hear! I especially love his stoic expression. Ah, to be a dog during the Dog Days of Summer!

Thank you all so much for your kind wishes about my Sister’s visit. She has arrived safely and we are having a wonderful time! 

Dog Trots Globe

©Robert and Sheron Long
Look at that face! This is Chula, an eleven year-old Sheltie who will steal your heart and perhaps your baguette if you aren’t careful! 
©Darius Detwiler
I was so delighted to come across the utterly adorable e-book “Dog Trots Globe” by Sheron Long, in which Chula shares her experience living in nearby St. Remy while exploring the heart of Provence–not to mention a glamorous trip to Paris. Now, I know that my fellow dog lovers (and even the one cat lover here–you know who you are!) will get such a kick out of this. Sheron comes from a long career in publishing, so be ready for a gorgeous interactive layout but also be prepared to be caught off guard with a fit of the giggles, as I was several times while reading it. 
©Robert and Sheron Long

And for those of you ready to turn up your nose (or your muzzle) at a story told from a dog’s point of view, don’t you dare! For the all of the facts are interesting ones,  details about life in France are spot on and wittily observed. Even my Ben could not have done a finer job.
©Darius Detwiler
I was equally charmed by the delightful photographs as I was by the adept illustrations by Darius Detwiler. This book would definitely make a lovely gift for your francophile friends this summer. I hope that you enjoy meeting Chula as much as I did–a rendezvous is in the works for her to romp with Ben in the Alpilles this fall…to be continued…
©Robert and Sheron Long

“Dog Trots Globe” can be found at:
OIC Books, the publisher’s website–
By this link to the book on Amazon US

Have a great week everyone!