The definition of patina

  1. A thin greenish layer, usually basic copper sulfate, that forms on copper or copper alloys, such as bronze, as a result of corrosion.
  2. The sheen on any surface, produced by age and use.
  3. A change in appearance produced by long-standing behavior, practice, or use.

We love that word “patina” (and no, I am not inferring the Royal We, I’ll leave that for the Queen). We bat it around effortlessly as in “Oh, I find the patina on this frame quite charming, don’t you?” But what is interesting to remember is the hows and the whys of the flaky crust, tumble-down and slimy sheen. It comes from use. And age. Just like the little wrinkles, the crinkly ones forming in the corners of my eyes from too much smiling (there is no such thing). So I will leave Sete with the details and trails of a hard work town, well-worn. Not with its heart on its sleeve but more probably, a tattoo over the heart.
Bon weekend! 


  1. I definitely agree with you Christine. I see people here taking their surroundings for granted all the time!

  2. These are such great shots! I love patina! People who live with it all around them are probably sick of it.. to them it probably means old and tired. That's not what I see at all! Love it.

  3. Ooh, I am so jealous that you are going to Belgium. I haven't yet and frankly Greet at Belgian Pearls has me chomping at the bit to make a visit, it looks so amazing on many levels.

    And Paris? That is a given that you will have a great time, isn't it? 🙂

  4. We are headed to Belgium, and then Paris soon 🙂 and I hope to capture a few of these images in person. Wonderful description of Patina and such a lovely place.


  5. Heather you captured patina so perfectly with your images, what a beautiful place. I hope you enjoy your weekend too!


  6. Isn't that true? But there are some bijous. I was lucky to grow up in some very fine, very old houses and they most certainly had it!

  7. Yes, but it is a little like your name! How do YOU pronounce it? Here in France, we say PA-ti-na but isn't it pa-TEE-na in the States? I can't remember! Just as for me, you are kah-REN-ah. 🙂

  8. That's one of my favourite things about European villages and buildings. They are constructed with durable materials that bring forth patina. In North America, most buildings go directly from new to decrepit and miss patina altogether.

  9. I love it all Heather!! I even adore the sound of the word Patina!

    Art by Karena

  10. Marsha, that made me laugh out loud! I will be even MORE patina-ed than I already am after I finish my glass of pastis. Cheers!

  11. Ah your pics are getting more fab each post! The patinas, the food…too great!

  12. What diverse and wonderful examples of patina, Heather! Great texture in each shot. I so enjoy seeing the world through your artistic eye.

    Happy Birthday, Heather's Mom!

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