Une trouvaille

Hooray! Just a bit of fun. Last night Remi and I were skulking around an especially unpromising Depot-Vente or junk shop in the suburbs of Arles. Each went their separate ways, only half-heartedly in the hunt. And yet, what did I spy tucked behind a bulky dresser? A bit of tapestry. Yes, I know, tapestry can be so old-fashioned as to be sad.  But no, this one is so perfectly faded that its remaining colors only give the tiniest suggestion of what it once was. I called Remi over and with a heave he extracted it from its dusty realm. And as you can see, we swooped it up. For a song. A mere pittance. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
Especially as when we got it home I spied a label on the back frame: “Panneaux Gobelins”. 
It is so long, 2.2 meters that I am not sure where we can put it, but trust me, I will find a place. Aren’t such gifts from the world encouraging?
Bon Dimanche, everyone!


  1. I can only imagine, Clare! And I would think that the good stuff had already been snapped up long ago!

  2. How utterly beautiful! Yay! I love scoring wonderful pieces for nix. It's hard in Australia though. Everything is quite exy.

    ~ Clare x

  3. Not of the century, Ally but one that I love. Very different than your new find but that what makes life great!

  4. Maybe we should sneak into Lady Iguana's house to replace her portrait above the fireplace? 😉

  5. SCORE!!! That is unbelievable. It's definitely the find of the century! People here would give their right arm for a piece like that!

  6. Francine, it is so incredible that you braved these winds!! We have lived in Provence since 2005 and I have never, ever seen anything like it. I hope that you found AMAZING pieces as you most certainly deserve them for your bravery. I am still hoping that we get to meet another time!

  7. The Mistral was insane, i had 2 hats on, layers upon layers, think , hope I bought well, and left the expo center covered in white dust and frozen to the bone. i am sorry i missed you but you were wise to stay warm

  8. Fabulous find Heather, luck indeed. Sure you'll find a perfect spot for this treasure.
    Please stop by my blog I've just awarded you The Liebster Blog Award.

  9. Hello you two!! I hope that you are staying warm, my goodness, it is freeeezing here! Yes, how can you not love the faded, the passed over–I forgot to write that when we bought it, it had already been marked down by half because no one wanted it! Although I loved your propped up suggestion, we have found the perfect place for it. Photos soon. 🙂

  10. Hello Heather:
    Faded, dusty, in need of a good vacuum……absolutely perfect in every way as far as we can see!!

    The framed tapestry will make a marvellous addition to your home. We rather think that we might prop it somewhere rather than hang it….so, if you cannot find a place for it……!!

  11. Thanks ladies! We still have NO IDEA where we are going to put it. My first thought was above the headboard but that would mean taking down the ciel de lit which would be a bummer. We'll figure something out and I'll post photos once we do. 🙂

  12. Beautiful – what a great find. You will have to show us where you decide to put it!!

  13. You have such a great eye, Heather!
    What a wonderful find, indeed!

    You must take a picture when your tapestry finds its place in your house.

    xo xo

  14. Good Luck Francine! Unfortunately we are not going to go because of the cold but perhaps you will find something wonderful! I am not sure if your family is here with you but if so, wishing you all a wonderful time in Provence. You have my email if you would ever like to meet up another time. 🙂

  15. Wow – lurking in the corner! The prize is even the greater for having discovered it in such a way. Absolutely beautiful – the faded dusty colours entwine the mystery of age within. In which building/s has it hung? Who has gazed upon it? What were they talking about when they looked at it? What stories it could tell. Oh what a treasure! Virginia x

  16. Congrats on the fabulous find! nothing old fashioned about hanging a tapestry, and a Gobelin!!! simply fantastic!
    Am off to the deballage to morrow, am keeping my fingers crossed, with this could maybe people will be deterred from braving the wind and I can get some good deals..

  17. Looks I am having a blogger blip. Elizabeth, thanks for your response as well, I got it via email, though it isn't showing up for me here! Hmph! And oooh, I know that you would be all too happy to have this on the walls in Dijon but I…don't…think so! Sending love and strength your way.

  18. Thanks so much everyone! Yes, what is the most fun about this is that we weren't looking for it. 🙂

    Debra, hooray! I was counting on you and am so grateful for your response. I was so proud to say to Remi yesterday "Oh my blog friend Debra is a professional ancient textiles expert, she will know." We both think that it is from the 1910s/ 1920s based on the style of the border and the dude's hat. I'll keep you posted if we vacuum it!

    Hope you all are having a great weekend…

  19. Treasure hunting is the BEST especially when it is successful! CONGRATULATIONS… and yes, no problem finding a place for that. I would move things around to make THAT work!
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  20. After seeing the Bayeaux Tapestry this past September I really appreciate them now. Beautiful find. xo Jenny

  21. Wonderful piece Heather and if it's Gobelins even better, better then Aubusson. Your piece is from the late 1800's to the early 1900's. You could try to gently vacuum the backside if it's open if not the front it'll help remove any dust and dirt and might show the scene up more.


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