Do you know those tourists that spend so much time with their camera glued to their faces that they don’t actually experience anything? I am embarrassed to admit it but that was me last Sunday after our wonderful lunch in the Luberon. Blame it on Loumarin. I do. There is just something about this village that wheels up my ooh machine to a manic pace. It is vaguely perfect with just enough fuzzy old acheyness around the outer edges to keep it from being whimsically cute.
I was fortunate in two ways. One is that my honey is a professional photographer that has made me endure hours in dusty nowheres to capture ‘magic light’ and that the friends that accompanied us not only support my efforts but probably think that I am just “being American” in snapping feverishly at broken flower pots. When they see that gleam in my eye and I start to stalk like a cheetah on the plains of the Serengeti that has just spied a witless baby gazelle, they all wisely wander on.
And so I got a little Canon Crazy. I can already hear Remi chiding me for my lack of editing skills as he leans over my shoulder, calmly scanning the screen. “Non…non…non…ok.” Embarrassed as I am to stretch this…one…single…day into an eternity, I will put up one final post in this series soon. After all, when it concerns such a day, in such a phenomenal place, how can I not?
Before signing off for the weekend, I would like to give a heart-felt thanks to Christina Fluegge. Many of you might know her from her gorgeous blog Greige as well as her design company of the same name or its online shop. In her most recent post, Christina kindly mentions me and Lost in Arles. I especially loved that it came as something of a surprise, one that I learned about after having woken up from a particularly unsuccessful nap that had left me feeling groggy and disoriented. I needed something to snap me back into gear, back into the joy of this whirly bird life, which is, at it would turn out, is exactly what Christina wrote about. Kismet!

For those of you that are visiting for the first time, bienvenue. Having come from the hard tack world of the press, the generosity of spirit in the blog world is a constant source of wonder and one of the main reasons why I keep going. It never ceases to amaze me the fascinating people that discover my little blog. Blame it on Provence. I do.
French villages are SO beautiful. I now realise how fortunate I was to grow up in a 1000 inhabitants village near Carcassonne!
I am a French girl, who's been living overseas for nearly 6 years (UK, Japan, Australia) after falling for an Australian man…
I currently live in Sydney and blog about leading a healthy lifestyle based on the principles of the French paradox (no dieting, focussing instead on eating for pleasure but with moderation, making healthy food choices, and maintaining a level of fitness by being naturally active).
I'd like to hear stories from Expats who have lost considerable amount of weight after moving to France, to share on my blog in order to encourage my readers to quit dieting and follow the French approach instead. If you have any expat friends in France fitting if this category please send them my way! Merci beaucoup.
PS: I'm currently having a French goodies giveaway on my blog, open internationally. Feel free to enter if you like.
Nonsense dahhling from what I have seen & read here, you would be a wonderful addition to the Garden dinner parties, afternoon té's and cocktail hours…
It is a wonderful place to live for sure! Thank you for your kind comments.
Thanks so much you two!
These photos are gorgeous–especially the "maison de l'artiste" and the one with all the pots and the blue background. I'm going to make it a point to check out Lourmarin next summer. Have been so close, but never gone.
beautiful images… love the car! hope you're having a great weekend!
Hey Clare! Isn't that nice?
Virginia, you are so amazing. Thank you so much–you know that your support and friendship mean the world to me. Wishing you a lovely Sunday–oh la la, the eye candy on your blog left me speechless!
I have a feeling that you both would be highly enchanted by that corner of the world. It really is quite something. But the red citroen, charming as it is, can not hold a candle to the Banana! 🙂
I actually just happened to stop by her blog & saw her post! How kind.
~ Clare x
Ah Heather, do not ever stop being Canon Crazy, if that is what you call this ability to capture the simple beauty in the everyday street. For beauty captured is what it is, and I, for one, love getting lost in the moment of your photographs and descriptions. Esp love the light and shadow falling on the door with the magical golden light. Sublime! Virginia xx
Hello Heather:
And now we too are in love with the Luberon! Your photographs delight and seduce us…..what is behind that wonderful door?….what treasures could we find in the brocante?…..who is the artiste of the maison?…..could we steal the lipstick red citroen?
Hoping that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Bisous as you French say!!!
Oh, my! A Duchess no less. I am sure that La Contessa will feel less lonely here then. I was delighted to discover your beautiful blog. Whew. Minton china, crumbling mansions filled to the brim with antiques, Indian dinners? Yes, please! I am now your newest follower but please don't be disappointed if I don't comment much, I feel I am out of my depth!
Thank you so much Karena. I hope that you are feeling well these days!
What a charming blog you write dahhling.. it is my first visits & I assure you it won't be my last. Enjoyed your photos very much. Merci.
Heather the doors and windows you captured are wonderful. I love to follow your excursions!
Art by Karena
You're up early Miss! Have a great weekend too! Bisous to Dylan dog please.
Heather I love all the custiness of France and that little town so keep on blogging about it as I can't get enough of the eye candy. I think your photos are perfect and no editing needed just please keep showing them!
Enjoy your weekend!
Greet! You are exactly what I mean when I talk about generosity of spirit. You inspire me, always and I mean that sincerely. I really hope that we get to meet in person someday. That said, if it is so rainy in Belgium, perhaps you and Jan need to hop on a TGV one of these weekends! It can't be that far and there is plenty of sunshine to go around here…
Via the Hattats?! Anyone that is friends with that very fine couple is welcomed here with open arms. Truly. Aren't they incredible?
Merci Sister. We will DEFINITELY go to Loumarin on your next visit to France!
Thank you so much Helen. You always put things so beautifully. Wishing you a gorgeous weekend as well.
Good to hear from you Chris! And you and Christina are in the same part of the world aren't you? ie Heaven! 🙂
Bisous, ma chere Contessa!
Nu-uh, Stacey! I love trying to imagine it–it must have taken forever to get anywhere–but then again it is always the journey that counts…
You are so silly Vero. And I took and posted that photo of the 2CV for one person and one person only: YOU. 🙂
Oh hooray! A girl like myself will sip down all of the compliments that I can get!!! Especially when they are so lovely. Thank you so much!
Isn't it true Murissa? The surprise of these meetings is the best part!
Hi Heather,
You make me dreaming to today!! Dreaming of the Luberon!! Especially because today it is such a rainy and dark weather here in Belgium! Your photos are magical!! Oh I told you already that you are so blessed to live in that beautiful part of France!
As you said here the blogworld is a world of generosity! And you deserve to be mentionned on a lot of blogs! Bloggers and readers have to know your blog!!! Your blog is gorgeous and it is always as a moment of relaxing when I come here!!
Have a great weekend Heather!
I just found your blog via the Hattatts and am looking forward to exploring it. Your pictures are wonderful.
Mmmmm – LOVE these photographs!! My favorite is of the cafe with flower pots, but they are all wonderful. You can stretch this story out as long as you want; you'll get no complaints from me (or anyone who reads your lovely blog, methinks!). I agree with Helen; thanks for giving us what feels like a spring day in Provence, especially in the midst of this Michigan winter!
Hello Heather
Your post today is like a walk on a Spring day. The colours in Loumarin are so pleasing. Thank you for this journey.
Have another delightful weekend
Kismet, indeed! I just left a comment with Christina, my 'home-girl' saying virtually the same thing! Serendipitous splendor, two of my favorite blogs unite! C'est bon chance?
A CITROEN!!!!Dont know if i spelled that right,that little red car!I totally get it! Think I keep saying that over and over……….THAT DOOR!The pots,the village……..keep clicking girlfriend!Love everything that you snap at!Keep it coming!
Such a beautiful village!! And we had the same deux chevaux (sp?) when I lived in Switzerland – but blue!! Such memories chugging up the alpine hills!!
Bonjour Heather. I enjoyed my visit to Lourmarin, thank you!
What lovely shots you have taken! My favorite one is the red 2CV. It has nothing to do with Lourmarin, but if you ask Remi, I bet that, like Moi, and millions of French people, he can't help smiling when he sees one of these venerable French icons drive by. 😉 Veronique (French Girl in Seattle) PS: Should we start calling you "The Nikon Cheetah?"
Dear Heather, your blog is beautiful. Your observations and pretty photos are the nearest thing to being in Provence. Your writing is relaxing and approachable. Thank you for sharing such intimacies. Can you stand another compliment? Your husband, retriever and apartment make me smile. Susan
I agree, the kindness of the fellow bloggers has been overwhelming and exciting. It is much different than the writing world of poetry or non-fiction. I find that more bloggers actually read the blogs that anyone else, of course I measure this by my regular comments which is probably not accurate. That's the wonder of blogging, you never really know who you are reaching or connecting with, unless of course they say so in a comment.
Lovely photos and thanks for sharing!
The Wanderfull Traveler